Image Depicts Tenor, Christopher Oglesby; Photo Credit: Bill Johnston

“Never feel bad about asking for support of the arts. I realize I am extremely lucky to have a roof over my head and food in the fridge, but it's the arts that has been feeding my soul and mind for the past ten months. There has been so much arts outreach that it has really kept me going..... Zoom is not at all the same thing as in-person, but it has really sustained me. I'm grateful for the artists. Thank you.” - M.B

$10,000 +

Christine Staples and Joel Ager









Steve Branoff

Tiffany Fajardo

Jack Gardner & Candy Rupp

Hilary Goldman & Manning Sutton

Nadia Liu

Rosa Luevano and Charles Marston

Rebecca Osborn-Coolidge

Allyson Page

Andrew Quint

Kristian Whitten

Jennifer Winch

Ray and Nancy Yep

Our Generous Donors for 2024


Karen and Warren Bird

Michele Brusseau and Matt Blaine

Roland and Lois Feller

George Ferrick

Chery Fippen

Alice Galenson

Steve and Jan Hitchcock

Deb and Ric Jesch

Steve Katz

Chanthip Phongkhamsavath

Marcos Saenz

Patricia Silver

Samara Wenten

Cynthia Whiting

Priscilla Winslow



Joan Balter

Robin Claire Barnes: in memory of Caroll B. Williams Jr.

Sandy Burnett (anonymous?)

Deborah Carton

Gail Chermak

Bruce Cohen

Margaret and Peter Doleman

Michelle Feraud

Eric Gerrick

John Gravois and Rose Dakin

Ellen Hahn

Jenny Holland

Alan Kaplan

Kathryne Ann Kinsey

Carol LaPlant

Amelie Mel de Fontenay

Barbara Metcalf

Nancy Newman and Mark Walstrom

Jane Ou and Ben Lee

Isaac Pastor-Chermak

Madeline Prager

Shiela Predmore

Allen Samelson

Cookie Segelstein

Douglas Smith

Laura Steinman

Vernon Theiss

Richard Thomason and Heidi Goldstein

Kim Thompson

Mike Thompson

Mark Wegner and Mary Korn

Susan Weinberg

Robert Wenten


Marc Babin

Rachel Bradley Wood: in honor of Richard Cushman

Don Goerlitz

Douglas Gorman

Amy Kessler

Alison Lee

Katherine Lee Vesella

Jane Lenoir

David Lindberg and Clay Van Batenburg

Alex Madonik

Zoe Meroney

Dawn Nakashima

Peggy Patterson (dated 12/31/24)

Cynta and Justin Quinn

Lawrence Polon

Jan Probst and Karen Wells

Gennady Smirnov

Booapha Toomaly

Kathleen Van Sickle

Up to $49

Giselle Bosc

Bruce Brill

Diane Carroll

Ian Crane

Anushka Drescher

Nora Guthrie

Laura Klein and Tony Corman

Jeffrey Lichtman

Camilla Rand

William Saphir

Sue Schweik

Marilyn Stollon

Madelyn Stone

Deborah Tabor


County of Alameda

Albany Community Foundation

St. Alban'sMarc Babin

Rachel Bradley Wood: in honor of Richard Cushman

Don Goerlitz

Douglas Gorman

Amy Kessler

Alison Lee

Katherine Lee Vesella

Jane Lenoir

David Lindberg and Clay Van Batenburg

Alex Madonik

Zoe Meroney

Dawn Nakashima

Peggy Patterson (dated 12/31/24)

Cynta and Justin Quinn

Lawrence Polon

Jan Probst and Karen Wells

Gennady Smirnov

Booapha Toomaly

Kathleen Van Sickle